Requirements: Strong communication skills Relevant experience in marketing job would be an advantage Well-organized and good team player Responsible, mature, positive-attitude and hard-working
商業 / 金融投資及保險慧美公司

PRODUCTS - last will & testament Have you made a will? For those of you who have taken the time and trouble to make a Will, the question ‘have you made your Will yet?’ brings on an en
S商業 / 法律事務SAR International Limited. Professional Willwriters

。彤趣 telight。提供派對食品機器租借、到會服務 本公司租售爆谷、棉花糖、朱古力噴泉、雞蛋仔、格仔餅、章魚小丸子、香腸等食品機器 亦有中國傳統小食表演/ 食品供應,包括龍鬚糖、糖葱餅、麥芽糖夾餅、糯米糍 並提供一站式到會服務,適合嘉年華會、宴會、婚禮、學校慶典、宣傳推廣、私人派對、會所 等大小場合 另有售賣所有相關之食材,如美國爆谷豆、爆谷專用椰油、棉花糖floss sugar、

Min 3 years' experience in front-line customer service and operation preferred Proactive, initiate, self-driven and responsible Able to work independently under pressure Good communication and interpe
商業 / 金融投資及保險慧美公司


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I am looking for a mature, clean and quiet female flatmate to share a 2 bedroom apartment with me in Tsing Yi. The apartment is newly renovated and homey in a high rise building in a quiet and green l

南風發展有限公司 於 1978 年成立以來,積極發展花卉園藝服務,提供優質月租植物及保養,亦為顧客設計及佈置園林。每年由美國入口聖誕樹,聖誕花及經銷農曆年桃花桔果。 Since its establishment in 1978, Nam Fung Development Ltd. has been providing excellent nursery services, for retail
N鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Nam Fung Development Ltd.

2008年開始在香港提供畢業論文寫作範文參考丶輔導及編輯服務。 Whatsapp: (852) 6672 1854 | | [email protected]
W教學進修 / 補習WriteITrite

MarkupHq has been the best Web development company and provide services in all over world. Our experts, who are specialized in building websites with logical designs that automatically.
w設計 / 網頁設計williamson

紫語花舍 Zsazsa Florist 是專門為企業和個人客戶提供服務,我們主要提供婚禮花藝服務,月花服務,一般花藝產品以及預約送貨服務。
Z鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Zsazsa Florist

專業初生嬰兒BB攝影服務. 為新生兒拍下最美回憶照片. 現推出新年試影優惠價

We offer flexible Credit Facility and funding for various projects and debt consolidation. This Funding program allows a client to enjoy low interest payback for as low as 3% per annum and we are open

All lessons take place in my home at Tai Kok Tsui, in a specially allocated room designed to motivate, inspire, and stimulate young minds. I have a BA (Hons) degree in English with Psychology & TEFL

Kole Fleuriste是間網上花店, 為各準新娘子訂造屬於你的花球 (Fresh/ Silk), 歡迎查詢!!

Kole Fleuriste是間網上花店, 為各位"度身設計"送禮花束, 可按你的budget設計
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